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YUH01, YUH05, YUH07

Immaculate Concept" Bolero II.

Contemporary piece
Created for North Area Music Festival, Iwamizawa Art&Music Festival 2001
Premiere: 1.9. 2001 at Park Iwamizawa Outdoors Concert Hall "Kita-On", Sapporo, Japan

Art Direction: Satoshi Hata
Choreography: Jiří Bubeníček
Compose & Computer Music: Masato Hatanaka
Movie Cooperation: Midori Moriya

Cast: Heather Jurgensen, Sakura Shimizu
Alexandre Riabko, Yukichi Hattori, Peter Dingel, Václav Kuneš, Jiří Bubeníček and Otto Bubeníček

Percussion: Elbetonal
Soprano: Helga Pappert
Chorus / Vocal Quartet: Eva Song
Violin: Janos Mate
Viola: Haruo Takeuchi
Cello: Franz Amann
Contrabass: Onishi Yuji
Piano: Toshiko Tanimoto

YUH 05
Full evening show

Premiere 28 & 29.8. 2005, at Spica Theatre, Sapporo, Japan
Created for Hamburg Ballet dancers

Another artistic cooperation with an artist, stage design and video artist Satoshi Hata

Choreography: Jiří Bubeníček
Music Mix and Video: Satoshi Hata    
Music: Otto Bubeníček

Cast: Marie-Agnés Gillot, Tiziana Fracchiolla, Otto Bubeníček and Jiří Bubeníček

YUH 07
Full contemporary evening show

New National Theatre, Tokyo and Spica Theatre, Sapporo, Japan
Premiere of Program A, 11.3. 2007, Sapporo
Premiere of Program B, 13. & 14.3. 2017, Tokyo

Choreography: Jiří Bubeníček
Music Mix and Video: Satoshi Hata

Cast: Marie-Agnés Gillot, Yumiko Takeshima, Jón Vallejo, Fabien Voranger, Randy Castillo, Otto Bubeníček and Jiří Bubeníček
and selected dancers from Semperoper Ballet




Sapporo 2001

Preparations © Costin Radu

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