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One act contemporary dance theater story piece

In our staging we let ourselves be freely inspired by the legend of Orpheus. We build two important moments into the linear narrative. The first is whether we should look to the past in life. Whether we are not constricted by clinging to the past and preventing us from entering into new relationships.

The second moment for us is the descent into the underworld, which means for us penetration into our innermost being. In which we literally look at ourselves and our lives. Which we can embody very suggestively in the case of Jiří and Otto. In a realm where death is present, there is also life. It is the world of men, an impenetrable forest, and the world beneath its roots. And it is also the place of a new encounter with a woman who played an important role in our lives. It is the return to the house that holds our memories. Our descent into this realm is a mediation, without which one cannot go back and forward. That's just the immovable point in the world.

In this rigid point of the world that otherwise turns. Not bodily, not even bodiless and without a where from and without a where to. In that immovable point, there is the dance, neither stopping nor moving. Neither a movement from anywhere nor to anywhere and neither an ascent nor a descent. Up to this point, the immovable point, there would be no dance, and it's just that dance.

One act contemporary dance theater story piece

1st premiere 08.09.2016 in Flora Olomouc, Czech Republic
and 2nd premiere 03.03.2017 in Hellerau, Dresden, Germany

Choreography: Jiří Bubeníček and Otto Bubeníček
Dramaturgy and Staging: Skutr - Lukaš Trpišovský, Martin Kukučka and Jiří Bubeníček and Otto Bubeníček
Costume design: Adriana Černá        
Producent: JT Promotion and Czech National TV

Lighting design: Jakub Sloub, Martin Kukučka and Jiří Bubeníček
Sound: Matouš Pilný
Dancers: Anna Hermann, Otto Bubeníček and Jiří Bubeníček
Actor: Csongor Kassai
Musicians: Terezie Kovalová and Annabelle Dugast


Stage I

Stage II

Stage I © Otto Bubeníček | Stage II © Peter Brenkus

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